Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Check Google Pagerank

Along with the turn of year, many changes are also in every situation and events in life that I experienced. I also try to improve the attitude and behavior that are far less well, to be better in this year 2009.

Nah, it appeared that the changes do not only me, but google PageRank also make changes. And the changes appeared to be quite acceptable because the changes affect more good to me. Ehmmm.. google really want to give a gift in the new year. This is evident sincerity with your gift giving with changing pagerank My Multiply (read: MP) to 4 on the previous perch
at number 3. Wah is not exciting enough???

Click image to enlarge!

In fact, if not too influential MP PageRank how I can, because the MP was not the blog I create a place Google AdSensenya or affiliate programs or paidreview the ads or the other. But at least I was a little berbangga MP if I have PageRank 4. Because my main blog is just that I can not reach PageRank 4, and still sit in the number 2. Yah.. I hope as soon as it can love blog google.

Ya.. just try to be grateful ....

oh ya
If interested to check your blog's PageRank? many websites that provide check PageRank, but I suggest a check on the checkpagerank.net, because not only PageRank lengapa but also with a link popularity.

translate into English from my Multiply blog: http://ibnuanshari.multiply.com


  1. Aku cuman PR 2.. Alhamdullilah ^^

  2. blm dapet PR, baru ngeblog kmrn sih :D

  3. @ easy: seep maju terus dg pagerank 3

    @ Ongki: alhamdulillah

    @ Gamoel: loh punya sampean pageranknya 1 lohhh
    coba cek deh

  4. wee... sama dunk.. aku juga duah.. hahahha

    tapi alexa ku cuma 1,6 juta sekian sekian gitu.. eh.. kalu mo nampilin alexa gimana yah??

    maklum kayaknya gw bener2 gaptek dah.. duh jaid malu neh.. banyak yg muji.. wakakkakaka

  5. My blog has pagerank 2. Tapi angka alexanya banyak banget!

  6. @ kacrut: sercing aja di gugel, banyak tutorialnya koq

    @ wahyudi: ya sama2 donk

  7. hi,,,spread peace here to gain support saving Palestine


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